Most tourists visit the Dniester river in the Naslavcea location because they can admire the beautiful scenery. However, this is also the place where the upper part of the Dzhurzhivka Beds outcrop.
The upper Dzhurzhivka Beds are represented by sandstones with intercalations of mudstones. In comparison with all other sandstones from the Ediacaran succession, the sandstones from this unit are enriched in Ca, which derives from the calcareous cement.
The upper part of the Dzhurzhivka Member.
If you go to the village, outcrops with dark grey to black argillites of the Kalyus Beds can be found at the margins of the Naslavcea village. They are quite weathered due to the long exposure to weather conditions.
Dark grey to black, weathered argillites of the Kalyus Beds.